Styling Tips: Prints and the Art of Illusion

Styling Tips: Prints and the Art of Illusion

I often see people shy away from prints for reasons such as "prints make me look fat" or "Prints are tricky to pull off". I get it. Plain coloured clothes are timeless and easier to mix and match.
However, I would like to encourage everyone not to give up totally on prints! When worn right, prints can help to add more personality to you style. It can also help you accentuate your figure at just the right areas and in this blog I'll explain to you how.
Dressing up for whatever body type you have involves picking pieces that can help balance out your body proportions, draw attention TO your best features, AWAY from your worst, and ultimately giving you that illusion of an optimal and proportionate figure. 
Prints is an excellent way to help with that. Below is an infographic on how you can achieve this. 



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