DRIVE: Jacqueline Goh of Yoyogi Japanese Restaurant

DRIVE: Jacqueline Goh of Yoyogi Japanese Restaurant

About Jacqueline Goh: 

Jacqueline runs Yoyogi, a sushi and omakase restaurant established in 2004 with her celebrity chef husband Edwin Tan. Off-duty, she enjoys running and has participated in marathons in Tokyo, Hong Kong & Singapore. Customers of Yoyogi has since come to expect her warm personality and unparalleled service.

The Elsa Jumpsuit in Navy

On Ambition:

As a kid, you always aspire to be someone your parents want you to be because after all, they have been through life and know what bags the most money in the bank; doctor/lawyer of that sorts. So my current life of rolling in the aroma of vinegar daily is definitely nothing I could have imagined!

On Work Life:

Knowing what you want is paramount. Setting daily goals is more practical because we tend to lose sight of long term goals, especially when dealing with so many distractions in life. At the same time, life can throw you a curve ball anytime! Therefore, with daily goals, I find that the practice helps me keep track of my goals.

The Aly Reversible Top in Egg-White

On Life's Purpose:

What exactly is anyone's life purpose? In Japanese, it is called Ikigai which translates to "the reason for living or what makes life worth living". And as simple as it is to me, it is to make sure I provide the best care, the best love and the best support to those who matter the most to me; not necessarily in material forms, but also in intangible ways

The Anne Knotted Top in White

On Managing Energy:

Due to the nature of my job, I spend long hours at work. So whenever I see my fluff ball (i.e. my beloved dog) jump onto me when I get home, that definitely makes it all worth it. And, speaking of fluff ball, taking care and cleaning him is an energy zapper in itself.

On Your Personal Style:

Ahhh, the sports bra for sure!

Image courtesy of Jacqueline's Instagram

Body Armour Item:

I spend most hours at work, so I suppose my work Kimono?

What kind of clothes shopper are you?

I'm a lover of variety and am open to experiment with different styles

A piece of fashion advice for your 22-year-old self...

Girl, wear whatever you want! Everyone else is too busy feeling self-conscious to even notice you!

Favourite Quote of All Time

If you live life always asking questions and finding the rationality of the answer, you will never experience the spontaneous moment in life!  

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